aspern Seestadt is a showcase project of the Smart City Wien initiative: a place where smart ideas, concepts and technologies can
be brought together and tried out under real conditions.
aspern Seestadt is a new urban centre taking shape in north-eastern Vienna, due for completion in 2028. As a Urban Lab, it forms
part of the Smart City Wien initiative. As an evolving city-within-a-city, Seestadt is an ideal testing ground for new approaches
in urban development. Throughout the process, the focus always remains on people: after all, it is a city's residents that
make it intelligent in the first place.
Climate change and scarcity of resources will shape the future design of cities. As a growing metropolis, Vienna is facing
up to this challenge. At the end of the day, when it comes to quality of life, infrastructure and innovation, the Austrian
capital is one of the world's most successful cities and it is keen to safeguard this status.